Samsung convoy 4 model smb690v verizon wireless rugged flip cell phone. Compare samsung convoy 2 vs samsung convoy 3 vs samsung. We will give the book links recommended verizon samsung convoy 2 manual that can be downloaded and installed directly. Samsungs first ruggedized, pushtotalk phone for verizon. See stepbystep instructions for devices by operating. Text messages, multimedia messages mms, instant messages, picture messages, email, voice messages, html browser. Samsung convoy 4 smb690v rugged flip cell phone verizon for. Samsung convoy 2 howtos, questions, answers, detailed specs, buying information and pics. Samsung schu660 convoy 2 verizon user manual table of. The final released firmware number is probably different from the. Use or reproduction of this manual in parts or entirety without the authorization of samsung electronics is prohibited. Samsung convoy 2 verizon flip phone ready to activate. Just like the original convoy, the samsung convoy 2 is a military spec tough pushtotalk phone for verizon wireless that is resistant to shock and dust, vibration, salt fog, humidity, solar radiation, altitude and low and high temperature storage. Download manual guide of samsung convoy 2 manual pdf in pdf that we listed in manual guide.
By clicking on the convoy 2s link which matches your os, you download vzam which you wont use or run unless you get a data plan. Insert the battery into the phone, aligning the gold contacts. Autosuggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Get access to helpful solutions, howto guides, owners manuals, and product specifications for your convoy 2 verizon from samsung us support. Aside from the ruggedness, the convoy 2 also comes the essential feature. This is the official user manual for samsung convoy 4 in english provided from the. Samsung convoy 2 schu660 user manual was written in english and published in pdf file portable document format.
Key features include flashlight, pushtotalk, militarygrade. The third series of flip phone samsung convoy features with dual microphones with noise cancellation technology and push to talk. Samsung schu660 convoy 2 verizon user manual brand. Samsung u660 convoy 2 user manual source verizon wireless. This basic phone meets military specs for dust, shock and high heat. I am seriously considering looking for another convoy 2.
Heres how to perform an overtheair firmware update on your convoy 2 if it. Adapter, new samsung sync cable, new samsung battery, new manual. View and download samsung schu660 user manual online. But this installs samsung drivers on your pc for windows to recognize your phone as a usb drive. This phone is a convoy schu640, not the convoy 2 schu660. For additional questions regarding samsung premium care, please call 18663719501.
Verizon wireless, the verizon wireless logos, and convoy are trademarks of. The following tutorial shows all method of master reset samsung u660 convoy 2. To view the software version your samsung convoy 2 schu660 is running, check out this info. Samsung convoy schu640 is a military spec tough pushtotalk phone for verizon wireless that is resistant to shock and dust resistance, vibration, salt fog, humidity, solar radiation, altitude and low and high temperature storage. Please read this manual before operating your phone, and keep it for future reference. Samsung and protected under federal laws, state laws, and international treaty provisions verizon wireless, the verizon wireless. The good the samsung convoy has a durable, easytouse design and a respectable feature set. They attempted to transfer my contacts and data from the old phone to the convoy 2, but could not. View your user guide pdf visit samsung s support website. Verizon samsung convoy 2 manual book, also in various other countries or cities. Samsung schu660 convoy 2 verizon user manual bookmarks and contents toggle navigation manuals365. A great outdoor and jobsite flip phone, convoy 4 also features gms global roaming. Follow the automated instructions to set up your new password and.
I wanted a ruggedized phone, and the sales clerk discovered that the samsung convoy 2 had just been released, so she ordered one for me. Display on my samsung convoy is not in the owners manual. A new samsung feature phone carrying model number samsung smb690v was spotted on samsung usa official website. Samsung convoy 3 schu680 user guide manual samsung convoy 3 schu680 was released on august 20 for verizon wireless with rugged military specs.
Verizon wireless samsung convoy 2 user manual docshare. It will be available from verizon wireless as samsung convoy 4. Convoy 2 is a good enough work horse that you dont have to worry about breaking in your pocket. The convoy 2, while living up to its rugged billing, is a case where the software fails the hardware. Gh6838328a printed in usa portable all digital mobile phone user manual. Nevertheless, the ota firmware upgrade and samsung software upgrade assistant procedures are still the same. Samsung convoy 2 schu660 user manual manual device. Bookmarks and contents, for online reading and free download. As a result your samsung u660 convoy 2 will be as new and your core will run faster. Verizon wireless, the verizon wireless logos, and convoy are. This clamshell cdma phone meets military specs for durability, and. Featuring dual microphones with noise cancellation technology, this samsung cellular phone ensures clear communication even when in a crowded area.
This update to the convoy 2 sports a larger display and 3. The archaic menu system stuffed into the convoy 2 by verizon, however, is a shame. Samsungconvoy2manual samsungconvoy2manual samsungconvoy2manual manuals phones s. User guide for the samsung convoy 2 covering device features, howtos, etc. View online or download samsung convoy 2 user manual.
I had problems of people complaining about my voice sounding muffled, but found the issue. So, to help you locate verizon samsung convoy 2 manual guides that will definitely support, we help you by offering lists. Trademarks other than samsung electronics are property of their respective owners. Heres how to send a saved picture from your samsung convoy convoy 2 to a messaging recipient. The phone is tough, works well, and does what samsungs engineers built it to do. User guide gh6834215a printed in usa user guide guia del usuario. This phone is ideal for rugged handling while travelling in unpleasant or extreme locations.
Heres how to perform an overtheair firmware update on your convoy 2 if it doesnt update automatically. Table of contents online reading and free download. This is the official user manual for samsung convoy 4 in english provided from the manufacture. First from the main screen, press ok to choose menu. Other methods may exist, and may be described as well. The samsung sch u660 convoy 2 is designed with impressive military grade specs that makes it capable of resisting extremely rough conditions and handling. Phone user manual please read this manual before operating your phone, and keep it for future reference. Instructions in this user manual o ffer the simplest, or most direct steps to complete a procedure. It is a good looking phone, but no instructions or how to set it up. You can buy the convoy at or sell your used phones for c. Samsung convoy 2 schu660 verizon page plus 3g rugged flip camera cell phone. You can find important information and learn the basic of samsung convoy 2 schu660 with its user manual, user guide and instruction manual to help you quickly start using the device in proper and safe condition.
Samsung u660 convoy 2 verizon basic flip cell phone. Find used samsung convoy 2 for sale on craigslist, letgo, ebay, offerup. Only use the power cord provided with your product by samsung. View and download samsung convoy schu640 user manual online. Check out how to accomplish hard reset by hardware keys and vendor settings. This update to the convoy sports a better display and camera, including a flash that doubles as a flashlight, plus opera mini.
Follow the automated instructions to set up your new password and record a greeting. Product information the samsung sch u660 convoy 2 phonies a samsung cellular phone designed with military specs capable of resisting extremely rough conditions and handling. The physical features and capabilities of the convoy 2 are not in question. The smb690v is a brew os based feature phone from samsung. All intellectual property, as defined below, owned by or which is otherwise the property of samsung or its respective suppliers relating to the samsung phone, including but not limited to, accessories, parts, or software. Samsung schu660 convoy 2 verizon user manual table of contents toggle navigation manuals365. All screen images in this user manual are simulated.
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